Study strategy training is a specific type of study assistance. It involves acquiring and developing competencies necessary for successfully studying at the university and fully engaging in the academic community. It typically involves the following activities with regard to the specific category of students with special needs:
students with visual impairments – training with special devices, training on effective work with tactile documents, etc.,
students with hearing impairments – improving competencies necessary for effectively working with written texts (including academic reading and writing), effectively using sign language in the academic environment, and generally competencies necessary for successfully studying at the university, including the effective use of interpreting, transcription, and notation and other service and organizational measures,
students with physical impairments (mainly upper limbs) – training on effective work with IT or other compensatory devices,
students with specific learning disorders – strategy training during work with texts (effective reading, orientation in documents of various types and various lengths and structures), training on work with IT technology for checking the accuracy of a text,
students with psychological disorders or other disorders – strategy training for the effective use of time relating to studying, planning study obligations, and managing social skills, etc.
Study strategy training takes place mainly in the form of individual consultation (one-time or on a regular basis). The service is organized by professional workplaces at Charles University, and the list of these workplaces is provided below.
With regard to your needs, the appropriate workplace is consulted with a diagnostic interview provider, the faculty contact person for students with special needs, or the coordinator of Assistance during studies services at the Carolina Centre Veronika Kubíková (E-mail: ).
Academic writing (work with professional texts)
Contact person:
Mgr. Jakub Bachtík
Services provided:
Advice relating to the structuring of written texts and formal requirements
Faculty of Education Counselling Centre
Contact person:
PhDr. Pavla Presslerová, Ph.D.
Services provided:
Individual consultations
Stress management techniques
Development of social skills that students use in communicating with instructors
Development of effective exam preparation techniques
Faculty of Education Counselling Centre
Contact person:
Mgr. Lenka Vídršperková, Ph.D.
Contact person:
Mgr. Kristýna Janyšková, Ph.D.
Institute of Czech and Deaf Studies
Contact person:
Mgr. Kateřina Holubová
Services provided:
Individual consultation (general advice relating to studies)
Courses for students with hearing impairments
Language courses
Specific services according to the individual requirements of students
Contact person:
Mgr. Hana Krajčíková
Office hours: by prior arrangement |
I graduated in Special Pedagogy at the Faculty of Education at Masaryk University in Brno. For several years I worked with children with hearing impairment. I led summer camps and leisure clubs for students with autism spectrum disorder. For the last 4 years I have been creating individual plans and setting up support measures for students with autism spectrum disorder. My current focus at Carolina Center is on learning strategies training.
Services provided:
Study strategy training
Development of social skills that students use in communicating with instructors
Carolina Centre
CU Point
Univerzita Karlova
Ovocný trh 560/5
Prgue 1, 116 36
Czech republic
Students with special needs
Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604
CU Point (ISIC)
Phone: +420 224 491 850