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Accommodation and food services

Accommodation and catering services are provided by Charles University Dormitories and Refectories. Accommodation can be booked on the website booking portal https://rehos.cuni.cz/crpp/.

Inquiries concerning accommodation can be made by e-mail at or .

Are you thinking about studying at Charles University and are an applicant with special needs? Let us know sufficiently in advance. Applicants and students with special needs may contact the head of the accommodation services unit, Mgr. Miroslava Hurdová, , 605 200 045, or at the e-mail address: .

Rooms with access for the disabled and accessible bathrooms for the accommodation of disabled students are available at the following student halls of residence: Kajetánka II (4 beds), Jednota (2 beds), in block 10 at Hostivař (4 beds), Hvězda (1 bed) and in Pilsen at Bolevecká (2 beds). The accommodation is usually in two-bedroom cells with shared shower and WC where one room is intended for the accommodation of a wheelchair-bound student and the other for their assistant.

The Jednota (Prague 1, Opletalova 38) halls are located in the centre of town, close to metro line C station Hlavní nádraží (Main Railway Station), which has wheelchair access. Metro A line station Muzeum (with a new lift) is not far away as well as metro Line B station Nám. Republiky (which is unfortunately accessible by stairs only). The buildings of the Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Education can be easily reached by one’s own means. Another advantage is a student canteen in the same building; a disadvantage is the size of the lift in the halls (the lift is of an old type and a wider wheelchair might not fit in it) and very few parking options in the vicinity of the building.

The rooms at Kajetánka II (Prague 6, Radimova 12) are suitable especially for students driving their own car. Designated parking areas are right next to the entrance to the building. The centre of the town, where most of the CU buildings are, is not so easily accessible without a car: it is necessary to take a bus to the nearest metro A line station with only a few stations with wheelchair access. Another option is the tram, but the road to the tram stop is too steep for a person in a wheelchair to ascend without help. There is a canteen on the premises, but it does not have wheelchair access.

The rooms in Hostivař (Prague 10, Weilova 1144/2) were adapted during the reconstruction of block 10 in 2004. They can serve wheelchair-bound students who are able to move around Prague in their own car as well as those who need to use public transport: the centre can be reached by a low-floor bus (with a boarding platform) going to metro line C stations Strašnice and Chodov (which have lifts), or by low-floor tram. Canteen is not longer in use.

Disabled students can currently be accommodated at the 17th November hall of residence in Trója. However, these premises do not meet the requirements for accommodating persons with disabilities and would hardly accommodate a student needing a specially adapted shower and WC.

Depending on the financial possibilities of the University and also on student demand for this type of accommodation, CU halls and canteens will adapt more rooms for students with disabilities. Students with the recognised status of persons with a long-term disability or long-term severe disability (as defined in regulation 182/1991 Sb.), holders of severe disability and severe disability requiring special assistance ID cards, as well as the assistants of such students (who are also CU students, but only if they live in the same halls), are given priority during the assessment of the application for accommodation (see Charles University Dormitories Regulations, article 3).

If there is a need to accommodate an assistant who is not a CU student in the hall, this will be dealt with case by case.

The canteen in Jinonice is fully accessible, including nearby toilets with wheelchair access (in the ground floor lobby. The canteens at the 17th November hall in Trója, at Albertov, Sport in Vokovice also have wheelchair access, but suitable toilets are not available, the machines for selection of meals are too high, etc.)

For further information about canteens please follow link: https://kam.cuni.cz/KAMEN-70.html

Last change: August 26, 2021 10:36 
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Carolina Centre

CU Point

Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 560/5

Prgue 1, 116 36

Czech republic

Students with special needs

Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604


CU Point (ISIC)

Phone: +420 224 491 850

E-mail: info@cuni.cz

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