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Loan of technical aids

Centrum Carolina offers the possibility of a loan of a notebook to students who are in a difficult financial situation. If you find yourself in this situation please describe it for us and add any kind of documentation about your financial situation which proofs your difficult financial situation..

The basic loan period for the aids is six months, which may, however, be extended by another six months if no other parties are interested in lending the aid.

The terms of the loan are governed by loan agreement.

The notebook loan includes a notebook bag.

If interested in lending a notebook or any other technical aid, please contact Mgr. Jana Vlasáková at: , phone +420 224 491 604.

Last change: January 9, 2024 10:51 
Contact us

Carolina Centre

CU Point

Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 560/5

Prgue 1, 116 36

Czech republic

Students with special needs

Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604


CU Point (ISIC)

Phone: +420 224 491 850

E-mail: info@cuni.cz

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