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Providers of diagnostic interviews

Diagnostic interview comprises a roughly one-hour long session conducted by a specialised staff member. Please bring the documents confirming your disability to this interview. Its purpose is to identify your needs and any limitations during your study. The output is an expert assessment containing a proposal of the supporting measures that you can use during your course. The assessment will serve as grounds for you to be able to apply your right to benefit from the relevant services and modification of study. The diagnostic interview assessment can be updated as needed.

Please consult the choice of the most suitable centre for carrying out the diagnostic interview with the contact person at your faculty.

Diagnostic interviews are performed by the following institutions (or office or worker of your home faculty as agreed with the contact person or the Student Administration Office):

Mgr. David Čáp


Offered services:

  • students with psychological problems

  • students with visual impairments

  • students with physical impairments

I studied special education at the Faculty of Education and then psychology at the Faculty of Arts. I worked in an educational care centre with children encountering behavioural problems and their families, but I also have experience working with homeless people and unaccompanied minors from other countries. I completed my PhD studies at the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Arts. In addition, since 2013, I have been providing support to students with special educational needs at the Faculty of Arts. Students from other Charles University faculties as well can contact me with a request for diagnostic interview, especially students with chronic physical and mental illnesses and students with physical disabilities and visual impairments. Outside the university, I provide psychological counselling in a private practice and lead anger management programmes for domestic violence offenders.

Veronika Šporclová


Offered services:

  • students with specific learning disorders

  • students with psychological problems

  • students with autism spectrum disorder

As part of my master’s degree, I studied psychology at the Faculty of Arts, where I also obtained a PhD in clinical psychology. I mainly specialize in child psychology. I have been working at NAUTIS since 2005. For more than ten years, I have been engaged in the psychodiagnosis of children and adolescents who are suspected of having an autism spectrum disorder. I also work as a school psychologist and head of a school counselling office at a primary school near Prague. I try to pass on my experience and knowledge to students relating to the field of psychology at the Faculty of Arts of Charles University.

Lenka Morávková Krejčová


Offered services:

  • students with specific learning disorders

  • students with psychological problems

I studied psychology at the Faculty of Arts and wrote my master’s thesis about families with dyslexia under the guidance of the prominent Czech child psychologist prof. Zdenek Matějček. Since then, I have been working on the issue of learning disabilities, including dyslexia. I work in the non-profit organization DYS-centrum Praha, z. ú., and with several colleagues, we founded the primary school Poznavání. University students contact me when they are dealing with specific learning disorders (dyslexia, dysorthography, dysgraphia, dyscalculia), with ADHD, or with other unspecified difficulties that complicate their studies and exam taking. I offer diagnostic interviews as well as any other counselling services. I cooperate with Czech students across the faculties of Charles University and with international students who study in English.

Lenka Dobešová


phone: 777 355 728

Offered services:

  • students with visual impairments

I work as a support coordinator for visually impaired students at the Carolina Centre. In addition, I manage the digitalization centre and study room for students with special needs. In my work, I am engaged in counselling and consulting activities, not only for students with visual impairments, but also students with other special needs. I also try to pass on my experience to students from the Faculty of Arts where I teach the course Digitalization for Students with Special Needs with a colleague. Students from all faculties of Charles University who have a visual impairment can contact me with a request for a diagnostic interview. Counselling and the digitalization of study materials can also be used by prospective CU students.

Kateřina Holubová


Offered services:

  • students with hearing impairments

  • students with physical impairments

  • students with visual impairments

I work at the Institute of Deaf Studies at the Faculty of Arts as a professional consultant for the study of deaf and hearing impaired students and manage the NaNUK website. I studied occupational therapy at the 1st Faculty of Medicine of Charles University, psychology and Czech in the communication of the deaf (today Languages ​​and Communication of the Deaf) at the Faculty of Arts. In occupational therapy and psychology, I specialize in diagnoses and neurorehabilitation in patients after suffering from brain damage, psychogenic movement disorders, and patients with low motivation for RHB. I also work in a research team in the Netherlands as a neurolinguist-diagnostician. In the past, I have collaborated with the Labour Office in ergodiagnostics (discovering actual occupational potential) and adjustments to the work environment for clients with various specific needs who are seeking employment. I am a native speaker of Czech sign language, and diagnoses may also be made in this language (in written and spoken Czech and English as well).

Kateřina Hádková


Offered services:

  • students with hearing impairments

I have been working at the Department of Special Education since 1996. In my academic and research activities, I am involved in special education approaches to people with hearing impairments, and I primarily specialize in the rehabilitation of preschool and primary-school age users of cochlear implants. One of my interests is also adults with hearing impairments. Since 2003, I have been supporting hearing-impaired students while studying at a university.


Mgr. Kristýna Janyšková, Ph.D.


Offered services:

  • students with physical or chronical impairments

I studied special education at the Faculty of Education where, after completing my studies, I worked as a manager for students with special needs. In addition, I also work as an academic staff member and researcher at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen. My services are geared to students with physical disabilities and chronic illnesses. Students can also contact me if they have problems coordinating their curricula (Karolinka, SIS, enrolling in courses, Moodle platforms, MS Teams, etc.) and coping with study demands (finding a suitable study style, effective organization of studies, finding a study/work/personal life balance).

PhDr. Klára Špačková, Ph.D.


Offered services:

  • students with specific learning disorders

I studied psychology with special education at the Faculty of Education. As a part of my further education, I completed several educational programmes and courses: School Pedagogical-Psychological Services (var. A, school psychologist), Lecturer for Co-Education, Reuven Feuerstein’s Instrumental Enrichment Programme, Tree Test, DYSTEST, WAIS III, etc. In my research activities, I am involved in the development of reading literacy and the acquisition of foreign/second languages.

Since 2013, I have been working at the Academic Counselling Centre in the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Education where I mainly deal with students with specific learning disabilities. In addition to students, I offer consultation services for teachers. Students can contact me if they need help with: control or initial examination of specific learning disorders, coping with exam stress, or communicating with teachers.

Mgr. et Mgr. Olga Kučerová, Ph.D.


Offered services:

  • students with specific learning disorders

I studied psychology and special education at Charles University where I also obtain a PhD in educational psychology. At the Faculty of Education, my field of study is psychological counselling, which I not only teach, but also actively engage in at the Academic Counselling Centre.

As part of study assistance, I most often help students find study strategies that are “tailored” to their needs. This includes not only study practice itself, but also setting up an appropriate daily regime, exam scheduling, and managing stress associated with testing.

PhDr. Hana Sotáková, Ph.D.


Offered services:

  • students with autism spectrum disorder

I studied psychology and special education at the Faculty of Education. After completing my studies, I worked as a psychologist in social services (facilities for children and adults with autism spectrum disorders) and as a school psychologist in a primary school. Since 2006, I have been working at the Department of Psychology of the Faculty of Education. In recent years, I have collaborated with the National Institute for Education (again, the issue of autism spectrum disorders) and the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs where I organized courses for employees of children's groups.

My services are intended for students and teachers dealing with personal, study, or work problems. I also specialize in counselling students with autism spectrum disorders and am authorized to diagnose specific learning disabilities (DYSTEST).

doc. PhDr. PaeDr. Anna Kucharská, Ph.D.


Offered services:

  • students with psychological problems

  • students with physical impairments

Since 1995, I have been working in the Department of Psychology at the Faculty of Education. Now I work at the Faculty of Education as vice-dean for accreditation and quality of educational activities. I am also in charge of coordinating counselling services here and support for vulnerable groups of students, including students with special needs.

At the university level, I am a member of the rector’s working committee for studies concerning students with disabilities.

PhDr. Pavla Presslerová, Ph.D.


Offered services:

  • students with psychological problems

  • students with physical impairments

I studied psychology and special education at Charles University. I completed my PhD studies with a focus on educational psychology. As a part of teaching students at Charles University, I am mainly involved in developmental psychology and counselling. I also deal with psychological counselling in my counselling practice, focusing on the study, personal, and relationship problems of students. My therapeutic work is based on a systemic approach, which allows me to view the client’s difficulties in a broader context.

Mgr. Dana Chmelařová


Offered services:

  • students with psychological problems

I have been working as a clinical psychologist at the FN Plzeň since 1990. I first worked at the Neurological Clinic, in the years 2008-2010 at the Neonatology Department and at the Center for Developmental Care (during this period I also co-organized childbirth preparation courses, where I lectured on the topic of developmental psychology and communication with the child). Since 2010, I have been working at the Psychiatric Clinic and at the same time as an assistant professor at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Pilsen. My professional practice includes diagnosis in the scope of clinical psychology, neuropsychology and developmental psychology, but also psychotherapy and counseling.

Last change: July 12, 2024 15:00 
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CU Point

Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 560/5

Prgue 1, 116 36

Czech republic

Students with special needs

Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604


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Phone: +420 224 491 850

E-mail: info@cuni.cz

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