Transcription services mean simultaneous transcription. This is a verbatim transcription of speech in real time provided by professional and specially trained transcribers, who follow the speaker and write it down in real time on a PC or notebook connected electronic keyboard. The text of the simultaneous transcription can be displayed on a common PC or notebook monitor (if the text is intended for one person) or on a larger monitor ( for a small group), or projected on a large screen (for a larger group of people), or displayed via a polygraph system (independently of the size of the subscriber group).
The provision of transcription services to individual students is ensured by the contact person at the faculty on the basis of an agreement with the student and in collaboration with the tutors. Transcribers are assigned by the Institute of Deaf Studies at the FA CU, the Czech Union of the Deaf and other organisations.
Carolina Centre
CU Point
Univerzita Karlova
Ovocný trh 560/5
Prgue 1, 116 36
Czech republic
Students with special needs
Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604
CU Point (ISIC)
Phone: +420 224 491 850