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Diagnosis of SLD, ASD, ADHD

1. Specific Learning Disabilities (SLDs)

If you have not yet been assessed for Specific Learning Disabilities or you have a diagnosis issued by an educational and psychological counselling centre or a special education centre more than two years ago, you may arrange a diagnostic appointment at DYS-centrum Prague.

Dys-centrum Prague charges fee for its services. More information and the current price list can be found here

To make an appointment, contact doc. PhDr. Lenka Krejčová, Ph.D. (e-mail: ). 

2. Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs)

ASD must be diagnosed by a clinical psychologist, psychiatrist or specialist from Pedagogical-Psychological Counselling Centre. We cannot accept reports from other providers.

To arrange an assessment for ASD diagnosis, you can contact a private clinic such as My Clinic Prague or find other providers at Autismport. Please note that clinics may be currently at full capacity.

If you hesitate to get an official ASD diagnosis, you can first undergo a pre-diagnostic screening. If you're interested, please contact Veronika Kubíková (e-mail: ), who will connect you with a pre-diagnostic screening provider.

Pre-diagnostic screening does not replace an official ASD diagnosis and is not sufficient for the university to register you as a student with specific needs.

3. Attention Disorders (ADHD)

ADHD must be diagnosed by a clinical psychologist, psychiatrist or specialist from Pedagogical-Psychological Counselling Centre. We cannot accept reports from other providers.

For international students, for testing in English, one possibility is National Institute of Mental Health https://www.nudz.cz/en/medical-care/outpatient-care.

If you pay cash, the cost of an assessment in NIMH is approximately 2500 CZK. The assessment may be covered by some types of the Health insurance. Please, contact the National Institute and ask for the conditions. Information can be also provided by your provider of the insurance.

If you are unsure whether to seek a professional diagnosis for ADHD, you can first undergo a pre-diagnostic screening. In this case, please fill out the questionnaire here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScYftPwGHcPcr85Pwsolg0kYbiRL-mQBL-pNbYo-AEsqwENRw/viewform?usp=dialog. After completing the questionnaire, you will be informed about your placement on the waiting list for ADHD/ADD screening. The waiting time is approximately six to eight weeks.

This screening does not replace an official ADHD/ADD diagnosis conducted by a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist.

The screening is intended for students who are not currently under psychiatric care and therefore they do not have their own psychiatrist. If you are already under psychiatric care, contact your psychiatrist if you suspect the presence of ADHD/ADD.

If you have any questions, please contact Mgr. Veronika Sláviková by email at .

Last change: March 6, 2025 13:08 
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CU Point

Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 560/5

Prgue 1, 116 36

Czech republic

Students with special needs

Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604


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Phone: +420 224 491 850

E-mail: info@cuni.cz

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