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Spálená building

Spálená 79/10,

110 00, Prague 1

Czech Republic

front desk contact: +420 221 900 111


web: www.pedf.cuni.cz/PEDFEN-1.html

Support for students and applicants with special needs atthe faculty is provided by: contact persons.

Overview of accessibility

Description of the building

The adjacent buildings S1and S2 are the seat of selected departments of the Faculty of Education, the Centrefor Lifelong Learning, and Administration. They have separate entrances fromMagdaléna Rettigová Street (S1) and Spálená Street (S2). They are connected byinternal passages at the level of the 2nd above-ground floor.



The entrance to the building is located at the end of Magdaléna Rettigová Street.The surface of the access walkway consists of flat tile paving, which turnsinto asphalt at the wide entrance gate. The double-panel entrance door (main panelwidth 60 cm, secondary panel width 63 cm) without a doorbell opens mechanicallyoutwards. From the vestibule (width 245 cm, depth 168 cm), a single-panel door(width 88 cm) leads to a stairwell with a small lift (see Lift). The door isequipped with a doorbell (height 154 cm) and a chip reader (height 110 cm).


The access walkway has a flat tile surface, whichbefore the entrance turns into a strip of rough pavement (entrance) with aslope (up to 5%). A single-panel door (width 82 cm) is contained in the double-paneldoor, which opens mechanically inwards. A doorbell (height 149 cm) is locatedto the right of the entrance. The entrance is connected by a passage to the courtyard,on the left side of which is the entrance to the stairwell. There are 3 stepsup in front of the door (width 2x 65 cm). The doorbell (height 136 cm) islocated on the left next to the door above the stairs. A short flight of stairs(4 steps up) leads from the entrance to the lift with insufficient dimensions(see Lift).



The individual floors of the building are connected by a passenger lift(see Lift). The doors of classrooms, offices, and other passages have a min.width of 70 cm.


On the 2nd above-ground floor, a narrow double door separatesthe lift and the stairwell (main panel 58 cm wide, secondary panel 62 cm wide).The entrance to the Centre for Lifelong Learning leads from the corridor. The double-panel door (main panel width 64 cm, secondary panel width 67 cm) with ahigh threshold (height 4 cm) is equipped with a doorbell (height 149 cm). The Centre has two classrooms (door width 2x 62 cm) and administrative facilities.

Atthe level of the 2nd above-ground floor of building S2, access tobuilding S1 leads from the S2 lift through a gallery (minimum width 84 cm). Thedoor (width 90 cm), equipped with a chip reader (height 132) on the outside anda doorbell (height 150 cm) on the inside, has a high threshold (height 5 cm).The connecting corridor continues through a single-panel door (width 70 cm)past classrooms and offices (door width min. 80 cm) to a stairwell with the S1 lift.


The lift in building S1 (outwardmechanically opening door width 70 cm; cabin width 80 cm, depth 100 cm)connects the 1st to 4th above-ground floors. The manoeuvringspace in front of the lift is sufficient. The cabin is equipped with a mirror(lower edge height 97 cm) on the front wall. There is no pull-down seat in thecabin. The controls at the entrances are at a maximum height of 114 cm. The maximum height of the controls inside the cabin is 122 cm.

The lift in building S2(outward mechanically opening door width 70 cm; cabin width 80 cm, depth 70 cm)connects the elevated part of the 1st above-ground floor to the 5thabove-ground floor. The manoeuvring space (depth 130 cm) in front of the liftis significantly restricted by the way the shaft doors are opened. The cabin isequipped with a handle and a mirror (lower edge height 94 cm) on the frontwall. There is no pull-down seat in the cabin. The controls at the entrancesare at a maximum height of 117 cm. The maximum height of the controls insidethe cabin is 119 cm.

Sanitary facilities

Thebuilding has only standard sanitary facilities with no modified toilets.


The nearest reserved parking space islocated at the intersection of Lazarská and Vladislavova Streets.

Last change: April 20, 2023 12:08 
Contact us

Carolina Centre

CU Point

Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 560/5

Prgue 1, 116 36

Czech republic

Students with special needs

Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604


CU Point (ISIC)

Phone: +420 224 491 850

E-mail: info@cuni.cz

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