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Jan Palach square builging

Faculty of Arts

Nám. Jana Palacha 1/2

Prague 1, 110 00

front desk contact: +420 221 619 111

web: https://www.ff.cuni.cz/home/

Support for students and applicants with special needs at the faculty is provided by:

PhDr. Mgr. David Čáp, tel. 221 619 676, 

Overview of accessibility

Description of the building

The historic building with two underground and five above-ground floors is the main seat of the Faculty of Arts.


The surface of the access walkway consists of flat tiled pavement. The main entrance to the building is not barrier-free (7 steps up). The single-panel door (width 97 cm) opens mechanically outwards. The doorbell (height 137 cm) is located directly on the door above the stairs. A reception area is located behind the entrance (counter height 90 cm), from which another staircase (6 steps up) leads to the central corridor of the raised ground floor.

A locked side entrance is available from Valentinská Street. The surface of the access walkway consists of flat tiles, which transitions into rough paving before entering the courtyard. A single-panel door (width 100 cm) with a steep levelling ramp (gradient 20%, length 25 cm) and a threshold (height 2 cm) opens mechanically outwards. A doorbell (height 113 cm) is located on the left of the entrance on the outside (from the street) and on the right (height 99 cm) on the inside (from the courtyard). The entrance is connected by a passage to the courtyard with an asphalt surface, which is uneven in places and has a transverse slope (up to 5%).

There are two lifts in the courtyard, one on the facade at the front (west) tract, and the other, located in the rear (east) tract of the building, to which a single ramp leads (gradient 11%, width 118 cm, length 292 cm, double-sided handrail height 90 cm). Both lifts have two doors opposite each other and have entrances for boarding in the building’s central corridors.


The building with a square floor plan has main perimeter corridors on the 2nd to 5th above-ground floors connecting all four tracts at one level, while access to them from the modified entrance in the courtyard is provided by two lifts (see Entrance and Lift). The doors of classrooms, offices and other rooms, including the cinema hall (5th floor) are mainly double-panel (main panel width 60 to 63 cm, secondary panel width 62 to 65 cm) with a threshold (height 2 to 3 cm). The other passages are a minimum of 80 cm wide. The manoeuvring space in the interior is sufficient.

On the raised ground floor (1st above-ground floor), staircases (10 steps up) lead from the front tract (accessible from the courtyard via the facade lift) to both side tracts, while the right one (as viewed from the main entrance to the building) is equipped with an inclined stair platform (load capacity 225 kg; manoeuvring area width 90 cm, depth 115 cm). The manoeuvring spaces on the lower and upper landings of the stairs are sufficient. The platform can only be used with the assistance of staff. The elevated part of the floor (i.e. the side and rear tracts) is also directly accessible with the second lift, to which a ramp leads from the courtyard (see Entrance). The entrances to the rooms are again double-panel (main panel width 60 to 63 cm, secondary panel width 62 to 65 cm) with a threshold (height 2 to 3 cm). The bistro “Mezi řádky” in the lower part of the floor (main tract) has a single-panel door (width 90 cm).

The large tiered lecture room (Aula) has access to the lower part from the rear tract (door width 2x 63 cm). The unmarked space for a person with a wheelchair is in the first row of seats. Access to the upper part of the Aula is not barrier-free and leads from the landing of the main staircase.

The entrance to the three-storey library is located at the level of the 2nd underground floor. It is accessible only by a third lift, which is located in the left part of the front tract (when viewed from the main entrance to the building).

At the entrance to the library, there is a service desk (height 76 cm). At the level of the entrance to the library (2nd underground floor), there is the Red Study Room and a modified toilet stall (see Sanitary facilities). The other two floors of the library are connected to the Blue and Green Study Rooms by a passenger lift (see Lift).


The façade lift with two doors opposite each other (automatically opening door width 90 cm; cabin width 129 cm, depth 171 cm) connects the lower ground floor (courtyard) to the 5th above-ground floor. The manoeuvring space in front of the lift is sufficient. The cabin with opposite doors is equipped with a pull-down seat and a handle on the side wall. There is no mirror in the cabin. The controls at the entrances are at a maximum height of 102 cm. The maximum height of the controls inside the cabin is 122 cm.

The second lift with two doors opposite each other in the rear tract (automatically opening door width 90 cm; cabin width 173 cm, depth 128 cm) again connects the lower ground floor (courtyard) to the 5th above-ground floor. The manoeuvring space in front of the lift is sufficient. The cabin with opposite doors is equipped with a pull-down seat, a mirror, and a handrail on the side wall. The controls at the entrances are at a maximum height of 110 cm. The maximum height of the controls inside the cabin is 123 cm.

The third lift with only one door in the left part of the front tract (automatically opening door width 80 cm; cabin width 115 cm, depth 123 cm) connects the 2nd underground floor (library), the lower part of the raised ground floor (1st above-ground floor), and the 2nd to 5th above-ground floors. The manoeuvring space in front of the lift is sufficient. The cabin is equipped with a pull-down seat, a handle, and a mirror on the front wall. The controls at the entrances are at a maximum height of 110 cm. The maximum height of the controls inside the cabin is 118 cm.

The lift in the library (automatic opening door width 80 cm; cabin width 94 cm, depth 131 cm) connects the three floors of the library. The manoeuvring space in front of the lift is sufficient. The cabin is equipped with a pull-down seat, a mirror, and a handle on the side wall. The controls at the entrances are at a maximum height of 96 cm. The maximum height of the controls inside the cabin is 102 cm.

Sanitary facilities

There are a total of 11 modified toilets in the building. One accessible stall is part of the library. The remaining 10 partially accessible or only modified stalls are located in pairs in the rear tract. They are always part of the sanitary facilities of the women’s WC and the men’s WC on all above-ground floors. The layout of these toilets differ.

Toilet in the library

The accessible toilet stall (door width 80 cm; stall width 169 cm, depth 160 cm) is separate and is located near the Red Study Room. The single-panel door to the toilet is marked and opens mechanically outwards. Access to the toilet bowl as seen from the stall entrance is on the right. There is enough space for a wheelchair next to the toilet bowl (width 93 cm). The toilet bowl is equipped with one pull-down and one fixed handle.

Toilets in the rear tract

The entrance door to the toilets in the rear tract is always single-panel (width 80 cm) and opens mechanically outwards. The vestibules (width min. 98 cm, depth min. 550 cm) are further divided into two parts by another single-panel door (width 80 cm). The modified stalls are always located in the rear part of the sanitary facilities.

1st and 2nd above-ground floors, women’s toilet

The partially accessible toilets with similar parameters (door width 73 cm – passage narrowed by a horizontal handrail; stall width 265 cm, depth min. 163 cm) are part of the women’s toilet facilities on the 1st and 2nd above-ground floors. The unmarked single-panel door to the toilet opens mechanically outwards. Access to the toilet bowl, anchored on the right side wall, is on the right when viewed from the entrance to the stall. There is enough space for a wheelchair next to the toilet bowl (width min. 110 cm). The toilet bowls are equipped with two pull-down handles.

1st and 2nd above-ground floors, men’s toilets

The partially accessible toilets with the same parameters on the 1st and 2nd above-ground floors in the men’s toilet facilities (door width 70 – passage narrowed by a horizontal handrail; stall width min. 210 cm, depth min. 144 cm) have an inappropriate layout. The unmarked single-panel door to the toilet opens mechanically outwards. Access to the toilet bowl anchored on the wall next to the door is on the right when viewed from the stall entrance. There is enough space for a wheelchair next to the toilet bowl (width 148 cm). The toilet bowls are equipped with one pull-down and one fixed handle.

3rd and 4th floors, women’s toilets

The partially accessible toilets with similar parameters (door width 73 cm – passage narrowed by a horizontal handrail; stall width 262 cm, depth 147 cm) are part of the women’s toilet facilities on the 3rd and 4th above-ground floors. The unmarked single-panel door to the toilet opens mechanically outwards. Access to the toilet bowl anchored on the wall next to the door is from the left as seen from the stall entrance. There is enough space for a wheelchair next to the toilet bowl (width 170 cm). The toilet bowls are equipped with one pull-down and one fixed handle.

3rd and 4th above-ground floors, men’s toilets

The modified stalls with similar parameters (door width 73 cm – passageway narrowed by a horizontal handle; stall width 200 cm, depth 128 cm) are part of the men’s toilet facilities on the 3rd and 4th above-ground floors. The unmarked single-panel door to the toilet opens mechanically outwards. Access to the toilet bowl anchored on the left wall is on the right when viewed from the entrance to the stall. There is enough space for a wheelchair next to the toilet bowl (width 81 cm). The toilet bowls are equipped with one pull-down and one fixed handle.

5th above-ground floor, women’s toilet and men’s toilet

The partially accessible toilet (door width 78; stall width 258 cm, depth 151 cm) is part of the women’s toilet facilities. The unmarked single-panel door to the toilet opens mechanically outwards. Access to the toilet bowl anchored on the right side wall is from the left as seen from the entrance to the stall. There is enough space for a wheelchair next to the toilet bowl (width 90 cm). The toilet bowl is equipped with one pull-down and one fixed handle, but both are of insufficient length (length 61 cm). The stall is equipped with a changing table that does not limit the manoeuvring space.

The stall on the 5th floor in the men's toilet facilities with similar dimensions is a mirror-image layout with the toilet bowl anchored on the wall on the left and access to the toilet bowl from the entrance to the stall is on the right. The handles at the toilet bowl are once again of insufficient length.


A reserved parking space is located at the intersection of Kaprova and Valentinská Streets (near the back entrance). The adjacent pedestrian crossing has lowered curbs on both sides.

Last change: April 5, 2023 11:40 
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