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Campus Hyberská

Hybernská 1036/3,

110 00, Prague 1

Czech Republic

front desk contact: +420 221 619 511, +420 777 367 539

web: www.ff.cuni.cz/home/

Support for students and applicants with special needs at the faculty is provided by:

PhDr. Mgr. David Čáp, contact: +420 221 619 676, 

Overview of accessibility

Description of the campus

Thecampus with a large, divided inner courtyard consists of six buildings withtheir own entrances. The premises are used for the presentation of student andacademic projects with the aim of engaging the wider public in the activitiesof Charles University, especially the Faculty of Arts.


Thesurface of the access pavement in Hybernská Street consists mainly of flat tilepaving. A robust entrance door (width 2 x 120 cm) without a doorbell leads to apassage, in which there is a reception area and the entrance to building A onthe right, up 1 step (window height 118 cm). The passage leads further into thecourtyard, with access to the other buildings B, C, D, E, and F. Most of thecampus spaces, especially the teaching spaces, are not barrier-free. However,the building is rated as partially accessible, because some parts with agallery function, a café with a reading room, and the actively used outdoorarea of the courtyard are at least partially accessible.


Building A

The building mainly serves as a gallery and an administrative area. The Didaktikon educational centre islocated on the 5th above-ground floor. There are 2 wide steps upbefore entering the building. A double swinging door (width 2x 63 cm) leads tothe stairwell. At the top of the first stair level, there is an inclined stairplatform (load capacity 250 kg; manoeuvring area width 80 cm). The restrictedmanoeuvring space of the lower landing only allows you to enter from the sideor diagonally.

On the first stair landing, where the pathway for the inclined stairplatform ends, there is a connection to the lift (see Lift). It connects the 2ndto 5th above-ground floors.

On the 2nd above-ground floor, there is a gallery (entrancedoor width 2x 62 cm, threshold height 4 cm, doorbell height 137 cm). The manoeuvringspace in the interior is sufficient. The doors to the rooms are double-panel(width 2x 64 cm) with higher thresholds (height 3 to 5 cm).

The Didaktikon educational centre is located on the 5th above-groundfloor. A short staircase (3 steps up) leads to it from the lift.

Building B

The building is adjacent to the courtyard fromthe east side. It contains smaller lecture halls and offices. The entrance dooris double-panel (width 2x 56 cm) with 1 step up (height 4 cm). Right behind theentrance is a staircase (9 and 15 steps up) that leads to the 2nd above-groundfloor where there are two lecture halls and a recording studio. Up another 4 steps,there is an area called “Světnice” and behind it are offices. Alternativebarrier-free access to the lecture halls is not available.

Building C

The building is positioned transversely in the courtyard,which divides it into two parts (front and back courtyard) connected by a widepassage.

There is a café with two entrances on the groundfloor of the building. Before the first entrance from the front courtyard,there is a single ramp (gradient 11%, width 157 cm, length 233 cm) without ahandrail. The manoeuvring space above and below the ramp is sufficient. Thedouble-panel door (width 2x 70 cm) with a threshold (height 3 cm) opensmechanically inwards. At the second entrance from the back yard, there is 1step up (height 14 cm). The double-panel door (width 2x 72 cm) with a threshold(height 2 cm) opens mechanically outwards. The café includes a children’scorner and a large café garden in the back courtyard.

Building D

The five-storey building in the southeast corner of the campus has twoseparate entrances. The main entrance leads to the lecture area. The double-paneldoor (width 2x 60 cm) with 1 step up (height 9 cm) opens mechanically inwards.On the ground floor, opposite the entrance, there are only exhibition spaces(door width 90 cm).

Other classrooms and halls are located on the 2nd to 5thabove-ground floors, which are connected to the ground floor only by astaircase.

The second entrance leads to the gallery on the ground floor from the café(from building C). Behind the sales counter is a single-panel door (width 80cm) leading directly into the exhibition hall, which is connected to otherexhibition spaces. The manoeuvring spaces in the interior are sufficient. The doorsand passages are at least 80 cm wide.

Building E

The building in the back courtyard again has twoseparate entrances located next to each other. Both form a metal garage door(width 2x 60 cm). Behind one, there is a steep staircase that leads to theexhibition spaces in the basement. In front of the second entrance, there is alevelling ramp (gradient 16%, width 95 cm, length 44 cm), and behind it, ashort ramp (gradient 13%, width 120 cm, length 120 cm) descends to the groundfloor area where the bar is located. The 2nd above-ground floor isonly accessible via a narrower metal staircase.

Building F

This building houses workshops. In front of theentrance, there are 2 steps up, and a single-panel door (width 79 cm) opensmechanically inwards.

Info centre

The entrance to the info centre is on HybernskáStreet to the left of the passage to the campus. There is 1 step up (height 20cm, depth 68 cm) in front of the double-panel door (width 2 x 80 cm), whichopens mechanically inwards. There is also a wooden threshold (height 3 cm) inthe door. The manoeuvring space in the interior is sufficient. The counter is73 cm high.


The lift in building A (automatically openingdoor width 90 cm; cabin width 110 cm, depth 140 cm) connects the stair landingup to the 5th above-ground floor. The manoeuvring space in front ofthe lift is sufficient. The cabin is equipped with a handle (height 90 cm) onthe front wall and a mirror (height of the lower edge 5 cm) on the side wall.The controls at the entrances are at a maximum height of 95 cm. The maximumheight of the controls inside the cabin is 121 cm.

Sanitary facilities

Amodified stall is part of the sanitary facilities in building C (betweenbuildings E and F). The double-panel toilet door (main panel width 90 cm,secondary panel width 50) opens mechanically outwards. From the entrance, asingle ramp (gradient 12%, width 150 cm, length 177 cm) rises without ahandrail to the spacious washroom hall. The accessible toilet (door width 87;cabin width 144-190 cm, depth 190 cm) is for both men and women. The unmarkedsingle-panel stall door opens mechanically outwards. Access to the toilet bowlfrom the stall entrance is on the left. There is enough space for a wheelchairnext to the toilet bowl (width 95 cm). The toilet bowl is equipped with one pull-downand one fixed handle.


There is one reserved parallel parkingspace in front of the building.

Last change: June 5, 2024 14:21 
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Carolina Centre

CU Point

Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 560/5

Prgue 1, 116 36

Czech republic

Students with special needs

Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604


CU Point (ISIC)

Phone: +420 224 491 850

E-mail: info@cuni.cz

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