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Na Příkopě building

Na Příkopě 29,

110 00, Prague 1

Czech Republic

front desk contact: +420 221 619 511, +420 777 367 539

web: www.ff.cuni.cz/home

Support for students and applicants with special needs atthe faculty is provided by: PhDr. Mgr. David Čáp, contact: +420 221 619 676, 

Overview of accessibility

Description of the building

TheČeská spořitelna building houses the Department of Social Work, the Instituteof Asian Studies (Seminar of Mongolian Studies and Tibetan Studies), theInstitute of Bohemian Studies, the Institute of Information Studies andLibrarianship, and the Department of Romance Studies (Portuguese).


Thesurface of the access walkway consists of a flat tiled pavement. In front ofthe entrance, there are 2 steps up (height 2x 10 cm). A mobile roll-out ramp isavailable during opening hours at the Česká spořitelna branch office on theground floor with an entrance above the stairs. There is no doorbell in frontof the entrance.

Thestairs are connected by a passage with a section having a longitudinal slope (gradient6%, length 150 cm). There is a double-panel automatic door at the end of thepassage. The width of the passage is sufficient. The entrance leads to astairwell with an lift, in front of which there is a turnstile with a wide sidegate (width min. 100 cm). 


A lift connects the passage level to the next floor.

On the 2nd and 3rdabove-ground floors, where the Department of Social Work, ECES, and theInstitute of Bohemian Studies are located, a double-panel door (main panelwidth 70 cm, secondary panel width 73 cm) leads from the stairwell from the liftto the interior without a doorbell. The manoeuvring space in the interior issufficient. The doors of the classrooms and offices are single-panel (width 80cm). On the 3rd above-ground floor, there is a modified toilet stall(see Sanitary facilities).

On the 4th and 5th above-groundfloors, housing the remaining institutes, a double-panel door (main panel width80 cm, secondary panel width 37 cm) with a doorbell (max. height 149 cm) leadsfrom the stairwell from the lift to the interior. On the 4thabove-ground floor, however, the entrance is followed by a vestibule andanother double-panel door with a narrowed main panel (width 2x 61 cm). The manoeuvringspace in the interior is sufficient. The doors of the classrooms and officesare single-panel (width 80 cm) with a threshold (height up to 3 cm).


A lift (automatically opening door width 80 cm; cabinwidth 118 cm, depth 95 cm) connects the 2nd underground floor to the5th above-ground floor, except for the street level. The manoeuvringspace in front of the lift is sufficient. The cabin is equipped with a handle(height 89 cm) and a mirror (bottom edge height 89 cm) on the front wall. Thecontrols at the entrances are at a maximum height of 119 cm. The maximum heightof the controls inside the cabin is 112 cm.

Sanitary facilities

The accessible toilet (door width 80 cm; stall width168 cm, depth 188 cm) is separate and is located on the 3rdabove-ground floor. The single-panel door to the toilet is marked and opensmechanically outwards. Access to the toilet bowl from the stall entrance is onthe left. There is enough space for a wheelchair next to the toilet bowl (width86 cm). The toilet bowl is equipped with two pull-down handles.


A reserved parallel parking spacewithout access to the pavement is located on the opposite side of Na PříkopěStreet. The nearest crossing is barrier-free.

Last change: April 20, 2023 12:01 
Contact us

Carolina Centre

CU Point

Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 560/5

Prgue 1, 116 36

Czech republic

Students with special needs

Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604


CU Point (ISIC)

Phone: +420 224 491 850

E-mail: info@cuni.cz

Opening hours and departments

How to reach us