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Garden of medicinal plants

Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove

Akademika Heyrovského 1203/8,

500 02 Hradec Králové

virtual tour: click here

web: https://www.faf.cuni.cz/?lang=en-gb/

Support for students and applicants with special needs at the faculty is provided by: PhDr. Zděnka Kudláčková, Ph.D., phone: +420 495 067 253, e-mail: kudlackova@faf.cuni.cz

Overview of accessibility

Description of the building

The garden of medicinal plantswith a teaching and operations pavilion and a greenhouse is a special-purposefacility of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Charles University. The garden is forthe cultivation of medicinal plants for educational and research purposes.


The unfrequented Botanická Streetwithout pavements leads to the entrance to the complex. The surface of the roadis paved with asphalt. The area in front of the entrance gate is paved with astrip of rough tiles. Next to the entrance gate is a pedestrian gate (width 93cm) with a doorbell (height 142 cm).

The walkway for the complex,which leads from the gate to the operational building, has a surface ofhigh-quality concrete paving.

The entrance to the groundfloor of the building is on the right. The double-panel door (main panel width85 cm, secondary panel width 94 cm) with a doorbell (height 131 cm) and chipreader (height 115 cm) opens mechanically inwards.

To enter the 2ndabove-ground floor, there is a walkway to the left that slopes up along thegreenhouse, (gradient 5% to 10%). There are three entrances: a double-panelautomatic door (out of service at the time of mapping 7/2022), a single-paneldoor (width 67 cm) with a doorbell (height 138 cm) and chip reader (height 129cm) that opens mechanically inwards, and a single-panel door ( width 98 cm)without a doorbell.

The floors are connected internallyonly by a staircase.

The greenhouse adjacent to thebuilding is not barrier-free with a system of stairs and unpaved footpaths.There is also a roof terrace that is not barrier-free, which is only accessibleby a spiral staircase.

The level garden isinterspersed with paved walkways, primarily with high-quality concrete paving.


On the ground floor, there aretechnical facilities, changing rooms with regular showers, a laboratory, and afile room. The door is a minimum of 80 cm wide with thresholds up to 2 cm.

On the 1st above-groundfloor, there are two seminar rooms with movable furniture (tables with a 70 cm spaceunderneath), offices, and a modified toilet stall.

The manoeuvring space in theinterior is sufficient.


There is no lift in thebuilding.

Sanitary facilities

The partially accessible stallon the 2nd above-ground floor (door width 90 cm; stall width 167 cm,depth 158 cm) is separate. The single-panel door to the toilet is marked andopens mechanically outwards. Access to the toilet bowl from the stall entranceis on the right. There is enough space for a wheelchair next to the toilet bowl(width 103 cm). The toilet bowl is equipped with one pull-down and one fixedhandle. At the time of mapping (7/2022), the stall was used as a storage spacefor cleaning products.


Reserved parking spaces arenot available. However, there are parking spaces in the parking area in frontof the main entrance.

Last change: April 20, 2023 11:54 
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