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Building X

Third Faculty of Medicine

Ruská 2411/87,

100 00, Prague 10

Czech Republic

front desk contact: +420 267 102 111

web: www.lf3.cuni.cz/3LFEN-1.html

Support for students and applicants with special needs at the faculty is provided by: contact persons.

Overview of accessibility

Description of the building

The pavilion is part of thepremises of the University Hospital of Královské Vinohrady. The building housesthe Institute of Nursing and the Institute of Languages.


Access to the building fromthe nearest bus stop in Ruská Street is particularly complicated. The road tothe premises has a significant slope (up to 14%) with major surface inconsistencies.

The entrance to the buildingis from a landing between the 1st and 2nd above-ground floors.The single-panel door (width 85 cm) with a threshold (height 4 cm) opensmechanically outwards. The doorbell (height 162 cm) is located in a niche(depth 15 cm). There is a stair landing behind the entrance. A slanted stairplatform is installed on the stairway to the 2nd above-ground floor(load capacity 225 kg; manoeuvring area dimensions: width 83 cm, depth 94 cm).The restricted lower platform only allows entering from the side. The platformis not self-service. Use of the platform must be arranged with the staff.


On the 2ndabove-ground floor, there is the Department of Dentistry, a lecture room (doorwidth 90 cm, threshold height 2 cm), and a modified toilet (see Sanitaryfacilities). The door to the central corridor of the floor has two panels (mainpanel width 72 cm, secondary panel width 81 cm) with a doorbell (height 118cm).

The next floor of thebuilding, where the offices and classrooms of the Institute of Nursing and theInstitute of Languages are located, is connected only by a multi-levelstaircase.

The doors and other passagesare a minimum of 80 cm wide, with the exception of the entrances from thestaircase to the central corridors of the individual floors (main panel widthmin. 72 cm, secondary panel width min. 81 cm).

The manoeuvring space in the interioris sufficient.


There is no lift available.

Sanitary facilities

The partially accessible toilet (door width 90 cm; stall width 153 cm,depth 160 cm) is separate and located on the 2

nd above-ground floor.The single-panel door to the toilet is marked and opens mechanically outwards.Access to the toilet bowl from the stall entrance is on the left. There is sufficientspace for a wheelchair next to the toilet bowl (width 94 cm). The toilet bowlis equipped with one pull-down handle.


Reserved parking spaces arenot available.

Last change: April 20, 2023 11:52 
Contact us

Carolina Centre

CU Point

Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 560/5

Prgue 1, 116 36

Czech republic

Students with special needs

Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604


CU Point (ISIC)

Phone: +420 224 491 850

E-mail: info@cuni.cz

Opening hours and departments

How to reach us