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Building B

Third Faculty of Medicine

Ruská 2411/87,

100 00, Prague 10

Czech Republic

front desk contact: +420 267 102 111

web: www.lf3.cuni.cz/3LFEN-1.html

Support for students and applicants with special needs at the faculty is provided by: contact persons.

Overview of accessibility

Description of the building

Building B, which is directlyadjacent to the main building A, houses the student affairs office, theDepartment of Medical Psychology, and the Department of Specialized Educationwith a small lecture room.


Access to building B is viathe parking area at building A. The garden adjacent to the building is fencedwith a gate (width 65 cm). The connecting road has a surface of smoothinterlocking tiles.

The main entrance to thebuilding has no barrier-free access. The double door (main panel width 58 cm, sidepanel width 63 cm) with 1 step up (height 14 cm) opens mechanically inwards. Adoorbell is not available. There is a stairway in the vestibule (6 steps up) tothe 1st above-ground floor.


The floors of the building areconnected only by a multi-level staircase. The door to the small lecture roomon the 1st floor is single-panel (width 108 cm) with a doorbell(height 137 cm).

The student affairs office(door width 106 cm; threshold height 2 cm; doorbell height 155 cm) and theDepartment of Medical Psychology (door width 106 cm; threshold height 3 cm; doorbellheight 135 cm) are located on the 2nd above-ground floor.

The doors of study rooms andseminar rooms are single-panel (minimum width 80 cm) with thresholds (height 2to 3 cm). The manoeuvring space in the interior is sufficient.


There is no lift in the building.

Sanitary facilities

There are only standard sanitary facilities in the building.


There are spacious parkingspaces in front of the adjacent building A with one reserved parking space.

Last change: April 20, 2023 11:50 
Contact us

Carolina Centre

CU Point

Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 560/5

Prgue 1, 116 36

Czech republic

Students with special needs

Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604


CU Point (ISIC)

Phone: +420 224 491 850

E-mail: info@cuni.cz

Opening hours and departments

How to reach us