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Weekly Open support group for English-speaking students at Charles University

Weekly Open support groups for English-speaking students at Charles University


Monday from 18:00 to 19:30 (starts on 30.09.2024)


Školská 13a, Prague 1

How often:

Every week during semester and exam period except public holidays

May I come without any registration or so? Yes, indeed.

May I come multiple times? Yes, indeed.

May I bring a friend with me? Yes, indeed.

Meetings are modeled on encounter groups, but they are not therapeutic meetings.

Everyone is welcome, not only students with physical or emotional problems.

Participating in a meeting allows you to be with people with similar feelings, worries, and everyday problems. Traditionally, our meetings are a space to get to know other students from different faculties, countries, and cultures.

Meetings are open for anyone who needs support and also those who are eager to support others in the stressful times we all study and live in. Feel free to come in on and meet new people.

These meetings are not only for the international students, we welcome also Czech and Slovak students who can speak English.

Meetings are facilitated by a coach Mgr. Jakub Fiala and a psychologist Mgr. Pavla Čípková and/or Mgr. Lukáš Pánek occasionally accompanied by guest colleagues from Carolina Centre.

If you have any questions, write us at:

and/or counsel@ruk.cuni.cz.

For Czech and Slovak students: Do not worry about your level of English too much. International students usually are not native speakers too.

Last change: September 2, 2024 11:22 
Contact us

Carolina Centre

CU Point

Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 560/5

Prgue 1, 116 36

Czech republic

Students with special needs

Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604


CU Point (ISIC)

Phone: +420 224 491 850

E-mail: info@cuni.cz

Opening hours and departments

How to reach us