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Pacovská building

Hussite Theological Faculty

Pacovská 350/4,

140 21, Prague 4

Czech Republic

front desk contact: +420 222 539 200

web: https://htf.cuni.cz/HTFN-1.html

Support for students and applicants with special needs at the faculty is provided by: contact persons.

Overview of accessibility

Description of the building

The building of the Hussite TheologicalFaculty houses the dean’s office, the student affairs office, a specialistlibrary, the departments of Hussite and Orthodox theology, Jewish Studies, ReligiousStudies, Philosophy, and other non-theological fields. The faculty uses onlythe main building and the left tract of the building.


The surface of the access pavement is asphalt with inconsistencies.A double-panel gate (width 2x 88 cm) without a doorbell leads to the faculty campus.

In front of the main entrance to the building, thereis a short staircase (3 steps up), which is insufficiently compensated by asteep single ramp (gradient 28%, width 100 cm, length 162 cm) without measuresto prevent wheelchairs from rolling down and without a handrail. The upperlanding is spacious. The double-panel entrance door (main panel width 99 cm,secondary panel width 100 cm) opens mechanically outwards. There is no doorbellat the entrance. The reception area is behind the entrance on the right(counter height 88 cm).

The locked side entrance leads to the main buildingat the junction of the left tract. There are 2 steps up in front of theentrance, which is again insufficiently compensated by a single ramp (gradient20%, width 82 cm, length 200 cm) without measures to prevent wheelchairs fromrolling down and without a handrail. The upper landing is spacious. The double-panelentrance door (main panel width 85 cm, secondary panel width 87 cm) with 1 stepup and a metal levelling ramp (gradient 20%, width 60 cm, length 76 cm) opensmechanically outwards. There is no doorbell at the entrance.

A separate entrance leads to the left tract. Infront of the entrance, there is a single ramp (gradient 12% to 13%, width 147cm, length 240 cm) with a double-sided handrail (height 90 cm). The upperlanding is spacious.


From the main entrance, a staircase with an inclinedstair platform leads to the 2nd floor (load capacity 300 kg; manoeuvringarea width 84 cm, depth 108 cm, controls max. height 113 cm). The manoeuvringspace for the lower and upper platforms are sufficient.

The Student Affairs Office, the Department of Biblical Studies and Jewish Studies(door width 2x 60 cm), and auditoriums (door width 2x 60 cm) are located on the2nd above-ground floor.

The 2nd to 5th above-ground floors of the main tract areconnected by a passenger lift to the library, chapel, departments, and the dean’soffice. The top floor, the 6th above-ground floor, with classroom H503 is accessible only by stairs.

The 1st above-ground floor (lowered compared to the main entrance),which houses the Karolinum Press, is also accessible from the entrance hall viaan inclined stair platform (load capacity 300 kg; manoeuvring area width 84 cm,depth 108 cm, controls max. height 113 cm). The manoeuvring spaces of the lowerand upper platforms are sufficient.

The third platform with the same parameters compensates for 6 steps up at thesouthern end of the corridor of the 1st above-ground floor. The upper station of the platform is on the landing of the staircase, which islocated between the main and left tracts. The spacious stair landing is atransition area to the fourth inclined stair platform of the same dimensions.However, assistance is required to call up the platform when transferring tothe landing.

The fourth platform connects the side entrance level of the main tract (seeEntrance), where the Department of Religious Studies, the canteen, and amodified toilet are located, with hall H 109 (door width 2x 72 cm) and the 2ndabove-ground floor of the left tract of the faculty building.

The left tract with its own entrance (see Entrance) has four floors, which isconnected by a lift (see Lift). On the 2nd to 4thabove-ground floors, a central corridor leads from the lift, along whichclassrooms and offices are located (door width min. 80 cm). On the 1stabove-ground floor of the tract, the central corridor is interrupted by akitchen. The refore, access to the canteen and the modified toilet is onlythrough the side entrance of the main building.  


The lift in the main building (automaticallyopening door width 90 cm; cabin width 100 cm, depth 140 cm) connects the 2ndto 5th above-ground floors. The manoeuvring space in front of the liftis sufficient. The cabin is equipped with a handle (height 90 cm) on the sidewall and a mirror (height of the lower edge 5 cm) on the front wall. The controls at the entrances are at a maximum height of 92 cm. The maximum heightof the controls inside the cabin is 111 cm.

A lift with opposite doors in the left tract(automatically opening door width 90 cm; cabin width 100 cm, depth 140 cm)connects the 1st to 4th above-ground floors. The manoeuvringspace in front of the lift is sufficient. The cabin is equipped with a handle(height 90 cm) and a mirror (height of the lower edge 93 cm) on the side wall. The controls at the entrances are at a maximum height of 92 cm. The maximumheight of the controls inside the cabin is 111 cm.

Sanitary facilities

A separate accessible toilet (door width 80 cm; stallwidth 188 cm, depth 300 cm) is located on the ground floor of the left tractnear the canteen. The single-panel door to the toilet is marked and opensmechanically outwards. Access to the toilet bowl from the stall entrance is onthe left. The space for a wheelchair next to the toilet bowl is sufficient(width 105 cm). The toilet bowl is equipped with two pull-down handles.


Reserved parking spaces are notavailable.

Last change: April 20, 2023 12:02 
Contact us

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CU Point

Univerzita Karlova

Ovocný trh 560/5

Prgue 1, 116 36

Czech republic

Students with special needs

Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604


CU Point (ISIC)

Phone: +420 224 491 850

E-mail: info@cuni.cz

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