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Pátkova Street Building

Faculty of Humanities

Pátkova 2137/5, Praha 8

tel.: +420 224 271 416

web: https://fhs.cuni.cz/FHSENG-1.html

Support for students and applicants with special needs at the faculty is provided by:

Mgr. Eliška Pincová

606 764 592


Accessibility overview

Description of the facility

The main entrance is on the ground floor level. The building came to exist after the rebuilding of the 17. listopadu refectory. As of October 2020, external works are still being finished. 



Wheelchair access to the building from the surrounding public transport stops is unresolved. From the Pelc Tyrolka bus stop, an asphalt low-traffic road ascends to the main entrance. The road surface has occasional defects and a steep longitudinal slope (6-8%). The route turns north from Pátkova Street and curves left between the high-rise buildings of the dormitories. The area in front of the main entrance is level and the surface is made up of large format paving. The three side-by-side double entrance doors open automatically to the sides. The width of the doorway is sufficient. There is a reception deck located in the entrance hall behind the entrance (counter height: 120 cm).

The alternative entrance from the west side at the basement level is not completed. It can be accessed from Povltavská Street by an unpaved asphalt road with a longitudinal slope (5-7 %). There is a gravel field in front of the entrance from which a straight run concrete ramp (slope: 9%, width: 170 cm, length: 200 cm) without handrails runs to the door. The area should get paved surface as part of the external works that are being finished. The double entrance doors open automatically to the side. The width of the doorway is sufficient. The doors can be opened with a chip (reader height: 106 cm). There is no bell at the entrance doors.

The most convenient way to access the building is currently individual car transport. There are parking spots available in the basement, which has an elevator.


Building interior

The central common hall spans over the basement and both above-ground floors, with classrooms and other spaces surrounding it.

There are two elevators connecting all floors that are accessible through straight hallways leading from both entrances. There is sufficient maneuvering space throughout the building – all classroom and office doors and other passages are at least 80 cm wide.

There is a library (service counter height: 76 cm) with a study room, offices and two lecture rooms with flat floors on the basement level. The level also houses the entrance to the rear of the tiered lecture hall. There is no dedicated space for wheelchair users; the space behind the last row of seats can be used. The department at the bottom of the hall can be accessed from the side from the sub-basement level, but there are 3 steps leading down from the department to the first row of seats.

Offices and classrooms for 20 or 40 students are located on the ground and second floor; the desks and chairs in the rooms can be moved around as needed.


There are two elevators in the building, located opposite each other in the north and south wings. They have identical parameters and connect all floors from the sub-basement to the second floor. There is sufficient maneuvering space in front of the elevators. The pass-through cabins have two sets of doors located opposite each other. They are equipped with folding seats and a handrail (height: 92 cm) on the side wall. The controls in front of the elevators are at a maximum height of 114 cm, the controls inside the cabins are at a height of 111 cm.  


Sanitation facilities

There are a total of 6 accessible toilets in the building, located next to the elevators on all floors (except for the technical sub-basement). The stalls are part of the rest of the sanitary facilities – the men’s restrooms are in the north wing, and the women’s in the south wing. The accessible stalls for men and women are mirrored, the dimensions practically identical.

The partially accessible toilet stalls (door width: 77 cm; stall width: 155-160 cm, depth: 185-190 cm) can be found within the individual restrooms. The single door to each accessible stall is labeled and opens mechanically outwards. A handrail on the inside of the door (height: 90 cm) reduces the clear width of the entrance to 77 cm. When facing the door to the stall, the toilet is located to the left in women’s restrooms and to the right in men’s restrooms. There is sufficient space for a wheelchair to the side of the toilet (minimum width: 90-94 cm). The toilets are equipped with one folding and one fixed handle. 



There is a parking lot with six accessible parking spaces on the sub-basement level. The other floors of the building can be accessed from there by an elevator. 

Last change: February 7, 2022 13:16 
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Tel.: (+420) 224 491 604


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E-mail: info@cuni.cz

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