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UK Point procedures when notified of (sexual) harassment cases

1. Within 2 working days of receiving notice of any form of harassment, an authorised staff member at the Carolina Centre will send one one of three possible responses (as outlined in Annex 1) to the notifier's email address. The staff member who responds to the case cannot be – nor ever previously have been – in any formal or informal personal relationship with the notifier, or with any person involved in the notified case. Should such a relationship exist, the staff member in question must immediately inform the head of UK Point, who will then appoint a different, independent person to oversee the notified case. All people involved in dealing with the notified case (including the contact person(s) authorised by UK Point and any others later called upon for consultation or mediation purposes) are obliged to maintain confidentiality. This obligation is governed by a written contract.

2. On the basis of the notifier’s reply, the authorised UK Point staff member will then propose a meeting to discuss the situation and the possible next steps. The notifier will be offered psychological support and other assistance. Minutes of every meeting will be taken and these will remain confidential. UK Point may also consult relevant professionals (such as lawyers, sexual harassment specialists and psychologists) with regard to the case (maintaining anonymity). Such consultations help to establish whether the case involves sexual harassment, what rights the individuals involved are entitled to, and what further steps should be taken.

3. If the notifier does not want the case to be investigated further, the case will simply be recorded and no further action will be taken. If the notifier does wish the case to be investigated, the other individual(s) implicated in the case will be informed of this – while keeping the identity of the notifier confidential, if possible – and of the nature of any inappropriate behaviour they are accused of.

4. It is further possible and desirable, if both parties agree, for both parties to meet in the presence of a third, independent party (mediator). This meeting helps to clarify the situation and facilitate communication between the parties.

5. On the basis of any meetings that take place betwween the notifier, UK Point staff, external specialists and/or other implicated individuals, an outcome report will be drawn up (see possible outcomes in Annex 2)

Throughout the process, all notifications of harassment must be taken seriously, dealt with sensitively, with discretion and in full confidentiality, ensuring that the notifier shall not come to any future harm. It is also necessary to ensure the safety of the individuals involved.

Written documentation will be compiled in relation to each reported case (all minutes from individual meetings, other supporting documents provided by the individuals involved, the final report, signed by the investigating staff and experts). This documentation is confidential and will be safely filed, with access provided only to authorized staff.

UK Point staff can only play an advisory role in this procedure. They may provide assistance, refer those involved to counselling services or help the notifier to make a submission in line with Annex 2. They are obliged to maintain confidentiality and to keep full records of all notifications they receive, to which they will have sole access (under lock and key, password protection, etc.)

Annex 1: Possible responses to reports of harassment

Version A – if the report is from the individual who has suffered harassment

Thank you for notifying us of this situation. We assure you that we will take all information you send us seriously and maintain full confidentiality. Please let us know which of the following possible next steps apply to you:

a) I would like you to investigate this case further

- I will then set up a meeting between you (and an accompanying person of your choice) and an authorised Carolina Centre staff member, and if relevant a sexual harassment specialist.

b) I need (only / additionally) to see a psychologist

- I will arrange you a priority appointment with one of our consultant psychologists.

c) I am not sure whether my case counts as sexual harrassment

- I would be happy to arrange you a priority appointment with one of our consultant psychologists or external experts.

d) I only wanted to report problematic behaviour and I do not need you to investigate it further

- if you agree, we will inform the individual(s) involved of their inappropriate behaviour. We will of course keep your identity confidential.

If none of the above options reflects your expectations about how we could help you, please let us know what you were hoping for.

Please also let us know whether you wish us to take any of the above outlined steps.

Version B – if the report is from a third party witness

Thank you for notifying us of this situation. We are glad that you care about how other people are treated. We assure you that we will take all information you send us seriously and maintain full confidentiality.

If the victim of harassment wishes us to investigate the situation further, please ask him/her to contact us directly. If he/she does not wish us to investigate it, or if you would like to discuss what steps to take next, please contact the Carolina Centre’s advisory services or main contact point.

Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any further questions.

Version C – if the report contains vague or anonymous information about a harassment incident

Thank you for notifying us of this situation. All information you send us is treated seriously and confidentially.

Before we can process this case any further, we will need to know:

- When and where the incident took place.

- Who was involved.

- Whether there were any other witnesses.

- What you are hoping will happen next.

Without this information it is unfortunately not possible for us to investigate this case further.

Annex 2: Possible outcomes

The meetings UK Point arranges may result in:

• support for the notifier in addressing the situation, provision of legal and psychological advice;

• consensus that the notification was unsubstantiated;

• consensus that the meetings have already resolved the situation;

• a request to the harasser’s manager to investigate/report to UK Point on the case;

• a request to the guarantor of the subject/programme of study, or to the responsible Vice-Dean to investigate/report to UK Point on the case, if the incident involved a student;

• a request for review by the Charles University Ethics Commission or faculty ethics committee if the alleged harasser is an employee of the University;

• a request to the Dean to initiate disciplinary proceedings if the alleged harasser is a student and the harassment took place in connection with University teaching;

• assistance with filing a criminal complaint.

We will inform you and any other implicated individuals of the outcome in writing.

Last change: March 28, 2022 12:22 
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