Support group for students with ADHD and similar difficulties ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** University life can be both rewarding and challenging, so we all need support and resource support group aims to create a safe and welcoming space for students with ADHD (and simila to connect, share experiences, and learn valuable strategies for academic and personal suc need to be officialy diagnosed with ADHD or ADD to be a part of this group, we welcome eve The group will take place in English, but is open to both English-speaking and Czech stude afraid if your English isn't perfect). What You Can Expect: - Peer Support: You'll have the opportunity to meet fellow students who face similar chall your experiences and hearing from others can be incredibly empowering. - Resource Sharing: Discover helpful resources, both on and off-campus, to support your ac and overall well-being. - Professional Support: The group will be led by two experienced counselors (psychologist can ask them questions about managing ADHD-related issues, including time management, orga strategies, and stress management. Meeting Details: Date: every two weeks on Thursdays Time: from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM Location: Hybernská Campus How to Join: There has been some free capacity at the group recently. You can come to Hybernská without registration. Or, for more information, you can write to Mgr. Jakub Fiala jakub.?ala(zavin [ MAIL "jakub.?ala(zavinac)?"]