Legislation ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** The main internal provision regulating the support for persons with disabilities is health regulation is the Rector’s Directive N. 28/2023 Support to be provided to students and applicants for study with special needs at Charles University [ URL "CCENG-15-version1- en_or_28_2023_podpora_uchazecu_a_studujicich_se_specifickymi_potrebami.docx"] The provision of services and their financing is governed by the Ministry of Education, Yo Rules for Providing Allowances and Subsidies to Public Institutions of Higher Education [ centrumcarolina.cuni.cz/CC-21-version1-pravidla_pro_poskytovani_prispevku_a_dotaci_vvs_pro This document specifies, inter alia, the standards of the measures provided to students in disability categories.